I can seat on my computer watching different videos online most especially on YouTube and not even border to eat and when I check the time I have spent 5 hours of my day just watching videos.

You might be thinking if I don’t have anything else to do with my time.
Why I really don’t complain how long I spend in watching videos is because I use those videos to increase my knowledge (still thinking what knowledge I get when I watch musical videos).

And I am sure many of you can relate to my story.

This is just to show how powerful using video as a content marketing tool is very important.

The use of video in the marketing of products and services has gone from just entertaining people but has proven over the years to become an effective marketing tool. This has helped top businesses increase their sales tremendously.

This tool as a marketing strategy which was ignored by the majority of businesses or considered as “Too much work” and left for musicians and comedians has now been used by virtually every business so as to engage with their customers thereby increases sales.

Reason Why Video Content Marketing Is Important 

The reason why video marketing is very effective is not farfetched.

Look around you, people spend more time watching TV on a daily basis than they do reading the newspaper or any magazine. When it comes to the internet video sharing websites are becoming popular by the day with YouTube outranking majority of the search engines to become the 2nd largest search engine next to Google.

Will I say people are becoming lazy these days (me included), we prefer to watch things than read them. This is why most people spend their time searching and going through all kinds of videos on YouTube.

Though when it comes to YouTube, niches such as Fashion, makeup, how to, food, make money online, personal development, personal finance to name a few really do well than most other niches.

The worst mistake that any business or marketer can make will be not to leverage the power of video content marketing as their top marketing strategy.

If established businesses such as Coca Cola that have millions of customers still use video marketing to promote their content why shouldn’t you?

Video Content Marketing

There are a lot of reasons why video works well when it comes to promoting all kinds of content as it allows you to pass your message in a simpler manner and still engage with your audience instead of writing a long blog post (which still works). With the use of video and the right message, you can make a serious impact and create a strong relationship with your audience.

Video content marketing can be used for different purposes depending on the kind of niche you are into. If you are a business looking to build your brand, you can use video to get your brand out there, share testimonials of your business, and share your business news or any upcoming events.

Videos can also be used to teach people certain things such as how to use a product, software, and so on.

For you to be able to harness the power of video marketing you have got to get a full knowledge of how video works and the things you need to do to create the perfect video for your business.

Here are 5 advantages of using video content marketing

Easy To Create

Creating video content for your business has never been this easy. You don’t have to get all the equipment’s used in making a movie to create your video. With the different video making and editing software’s (free and paid), you can create the perfect video that can be used to engage with your customers and eventually drive sales. With the use of your smartphone, you can create a video.

If you are unable to create a video on your own, you can as well employ the service of a freelancer that can help you create any type of video you desire at a reasonable price.

Video making has gone beyond a person showing his/her face on camera if you are as shy as I am, you can focus on creating explainer videos or videos where only your hands show while you speak without anyone seeing your face. This kind of videos do well on YouTube.

The most important thing when it comes to creating a video is to make sure that your contents provide value to anyone that will set their eyes on it.

Increase Traffic/Conversion To Your Website

The goal of every marketing strategy that is been used is to turn your audience into potential customers and nothing does it better than videos. With the use of video, you have a higher chance of converting the majority of your viewers into customers. 

Most of the people that will watch your videos may not purchase anything immediately but if you are able to deliver the right message in the right format, you will be rest assured that your brand will register in their minds.

Video content marketing has proven times without number to produce a high conversion rate than written contents. From your videos, you can direct people to your website where they can purchase any item you have for sale.

Increase Engagement On Social Media

From personal studies, I have found out that the likelihood of people skipping a video on a social media website is slim. Take for example when scrolling through your Facebook pages, there is a high probability that you are likely to watch 8 out of the 10 videos that will appear either those posted by friends or sponsored post. 

This is because human beings are moved by what they see.

Creating a video and sharing it on different social media websites such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and so on increases the chances of your engagement whether likes, comments or sharing are bound to increase.

The good thing about using social media to increase engagement is the fact that if your contents are high quality and provide lots of values, the chances of people sharing your videos so that their friends can also see it which will, in turn, add more engagement is high.

Better Way To Teach People

If you are a software creator or a makeup artist for instance, what would be a better way to teach people how to use your products will it be text or video?

The answer obviously is video.

Video makes it easier for people to understand how to use a product or service effectively than written contents. With the use of videos, your audience can see practically how it is been done so the chances of them making mistakes when doing it on their own will be minimized. 

In this kind of video and depending on the type of niche you are into, you can create a demo showing your audience how it is been done.

For example, if you are in the makeup niche, you can create a video teaching your audience how to apply different kinds of makeups for different events and so on.
Increase Your Income

With websites like YouTube that allows you to share your videos for free and also allows you to make money by displaying adverts you are sure to increase your income. Due to this fact, there are lots of people that have quit their jobs and gone into creating videos for YouTube full-time and are making it big.

As a business or an individual, you can leverage this medium to increase your earnings on YouTube by displaying adverts on your videos; adding affiliate links to your description and if you have a large audience, top brands can pay you to advertise their products or services on your channel.    

Though for you to be able to start making money from your videos on YouTube, you must have 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 view time which may not be hard to attain if your contents are valuable and you use the right keywords in your title and description.

There are other websites that allow you to make money by posting your videos and they include d.tube, dailymotion, break.com and so on.